It’s 9:22pm on a Sunday as I start to write this, and I’m finally feeling better after taking the day to just neutralise and hang out with my babies and a dear sister of mine. I went to bed last night with a huuuge headache after such a beautiful day at a sober party in my water queen element, sharing electrolysed reduced water with those who came over asking questions. … although I slept for a looong time and had a slooow morning, I’ve been so energetically hungover ...
This weeks newsletter is being written from the comfort of my day bed (at night lol), because I literally cannot be bothered to get up off this cushy little butt and either sit at my desk, or set up my laptop on my daybed desk. oh the beauty of being able to work from anywhere, on either your phone or your laptop. Yep. That’s the daybed desk right next to me. Nope, I still cannot be fussed to go and get my laptop to write this piece on there, yet my mind says it ...
Okay, so here’s to my new weekly newsletter - this being the first instalment. Here’s to this naturally inconsistent Reflector staying consistent to this weekly commitment! :P The intention of this newsletter? Authentic connection with those who actually care about my world and my process. Integrity. Transparency. I have no idea where this newsletter is going to go, or what I’m going to write about every week. The only thing that I have in mind is that I’ll reflect on ...
I have come to the conclusion that no dream is too big, and whatever we see in our minds eye and feel in our heart is there, waiting for us to prove how much we want it. At the chance of seeming very woo-woo to you right now, I actually don’t care because I know what I share to be truth, and as you read this you’ll feel the resonance of truth in your body… whether or not your ego wants to currently agree. We live in a world that is created and controlled with energy, and we ...
Bath time for me, is ceremonial. It’s my safe space to feel whatever I need to feel, whether consciously or unconsciously. We have so much emotion that has become stuck in our bodies through repression & suppression over our lifetime, and that we have inherited from our ancestors, that we must give ourselves the time and space to feel and transmute them… otherwise these lower frequency emotions will come out eventually in undesirable ways; whether that be through sabotaging our ...
A recurring thought that keeps passing through my mind is how differently I am showing up now in comparison to how I used to show up - this thought is mainly linked to how I show up online in my business, yet when I zoom out and look at the rest of my life, it applies to every area. Rewind back to June this year when I was at the airport in line for check-in so I could travel back to Bali from Japan. I’d just been in Okinawa for 20 days to mix my visa run with a business event we had to ...
My journey started with the desire of creating safety & security for myself in the form of finances (hello, Capricorn Stellium House 3!), yet this path soon led me to understand that safety & security goes much much deeper than the surface level of the physical. And don’t get me wrong, I’m all for - and continue to - pursue the safety and security that money allows us to create for ourselves and others; yet my point here is what is the safety and security of a home, a ...
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