Mel's Musings Neutralising, water bearing, ego dropping, and leadership.

Neutralising, water bearing, ego dropping, and leadership.


It’s 9:22pm on a Sunday as I start to write this, and I’m finally feeling better after taking the day to just neutralise and hang out with my babies and a dear sister of mine.

I went to bed last night with a huuuge headache after such a beautiful day at a sober party in my water queen element, sharing electrolysed reduced water with those who came over asking questions.

… although I slept for a looong time and had a slooow morning, I’ve been so energetically hungover today that I just needed some tiiiiime! And fortunately, being a being from the source of time, I get to make time!

Talking about time, next time I’ve decided I’m going to get myself a crown and a costume. Bust out the full Water Queen flex! The wig was amazing, so long and so blue, gifted to me by the event planner because this particular event was for Aquarius, and I’m an Aquarius bearing clean living drinking water. ;)

So many beautiful connections were made with people who JUST GET IT. It fills my heart up sooo much connecting with people who are on the path, aware of how important creating optimal health is, as well as how in control they are of making real change in the lives of themselves and others.

Water is life, and as we’re 73% water it’s so important we’re fuelling our bodies with the best — and when we can make money being ourselves by pairing the free business that comes with investing in our health, as a quad left (human design) like me would say, it just. makes. sense. 

My dream and vision has been to build a conscious community of water warriors who are flowing in high frequency, and after years of deeply committing to my own conscious life creation work, internally & externally, it’s finally coming to fruition with the strong foundational grounding I’ve built along the way.

It’s been a journey. One where people have come and gone throughout — and that’s what happens as we evolve & ascend… people are either going to rise with us, or not.

One of the most important dances I’ve had, continue to have, and one that we all have, is the dance with my ego.

It’s a dance where as we rise in knowing, love, success, and power, we must learn how to also lower our ego in humble, loving kindness.

We may have the answers, yet not everyone is always ready - or willing - to hear them, integrate, and embody.

We may have had the success, yet that doesn’t mean we haven’t got further to go.

We may have already learned a lot, and there is also still so much to learn.

Our ego loves to put us on a pedestal… yet doing that will end up eventually alienating ourselves from others, and that’s the last thing we want.

We always have room to grow. We always have space to learn. We can always become a better version. We are never better than anyone else — all equal with various different skillsets and experience based from our own unique story, with so much medicine and magic within to positively benefit others.

It’s important that we become so strong and sure in our power and knowing, whilst appreciating others fully for theirs.

There is no competition, only co-creative magic when we learn to operate from a place of abundance.

There is enough for everyone.

The best thing we can do for ourselves on our own path is remember this, and move forward with an open hearted approach towards those we meet, because we can all benefit from one another in some way when we are open to this type of exchange and collaborative effort. 

And the way we rise, as people, is through exchanging, collaborating, and sharing the things we have learned, implemented, and embodied in our journeys to create better for ourselves and our tribe. 

I’m so excited for us and this New Age of Capitalism.

We’re phasing away from a Capitalist structure that was built upon production and we’re moving towards a Capitalist structure that is being built on service.

 Service based off our own unique gifts.
Service that roots from our story.
Service that stems from the power we have found in our pain.
Service from our hearts.
Service that creates fulfilment.
Service that makes all involved’s experience better. 

Moving from an old system that does not serve the people towards a new system that’s entirely for the people.

And it’s time we all stand strong in our leadership.

We first choose to lead ourselves towards all that we want to experience, and then as we gain our own results, anchor into our power, and expand our confidence, we support others in doing the same.

It’s simple, really. 

Not always easy, yet it leads us towards living an easy life.

And I sure as anything do not wish to live a hard life… been there, done that. I like the easy life I’ve been living for the last 5 years because of the “hard” choices I’ve made.

And the better it gets, the better it gets.

See you next week, my love.

And if you haven’t joined Embodied Evolution yet, here’s the link to the telegram chat.

mwah xoxo


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