Mel's Musings It's NOT Woo-Woo - It's The Truth

It's NOT Woo-Woo - It's The Truth


I have come to the conclusion that no dream is too big, and whatever we see in our minds eye and feel in our heart is there, waiting for us to prove how much we want it.

At the chance of seeming very woo-woo to you right now, I actually don’t care because I know what I share to be truth, and as you read this you’ll feel the resonance of truth in your body… whether or not your ego wants to currently agree.

We live in a world that is created and controlled with energy, and we are hugely linked to that energy source.

There are people who have created control over the mass collective, masking them with the illusion of scarcity, fear, and lack by meticulously creating a system and a narrative that causes the individuals that are plugged in to direct and focus their energy towards that which benefits their agenda, making them believe that the power is outside of them, rather than teaching them the truth of every individuals power.

Through religion we are taught that God is outside of ourselves when that is so far from the truth. Many can see and feel the underhand control tactics of many religions so have unplugged from the whole notion of nurturing their spiritual connection, which has further disconnected us.

Fact of the matter is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience… this means we are continually connected to spirit with so much guidance available to us if we simply choose to plug in and play.

The intention of the ones in control of the wider agenda is to keep us imprisoned as slaves in a capitalist system where we live our lives fully governed and controlled by them. Yes, that may seem far out… yet when we zoom out and look at it all, it makes sense.

🤮 It’s why they are poisoning our food & water.

🌿 It’s why natural remedies and cures have been buried with our ancestors and the various indigenous peoples whose whole land, language, and life have been stolen.

🗞️ It’s why they typically focus on low vibrational things in the news and mainstream entertainment sources, to direct our energy towards that which isn’t beneficial for us… or in our control.

🎨 It’s why our creative genius is not nurtured.

🏫 It’s why they put us in schools from a young age, and have somehow made us believe it’s better for children to grow up and learn from a bunch of strangers rather than their parents.

💸 It’s why inflation is higher than ever, with salaries not rising to match it - further reducing our health through the stress and taking parents away from their babies through having to work more.

… there’s so much more, but you get the point.

And we’re starting to see… and if not yet see, we can FEEL something is off.

We are at the very beginning of us, as people, rising. 

And we do that not by fighting the old, but creating the new.

As we all come together in commUNITY (which they have done their best to destroy in Western society by doing everything they can to turn us against eachother), we bring our knowledge, skills, resources, and ideas for better together… and create.

What’s clear is the old way of working just isn’t working anymore.

It worked for our parents where (typically) the man would work and the mother would stay home to nurture the home and the family.

IDGAF what anyone says - this is the way it should be. The men provide, the women nurture. And it’s what the agenda has been working on destroying through not giving us the relevant education on how we and this Universe works…

They haven’t even taught Women about their cycles 😂 they’ve just pumped us with birth control under the guise of it benefitting us (when it doesn’t), fucking up our hormones and natural way of being… which has also fucked up our receptors for attraction, causing women to be attracted to men they wouldn’t be if they weren’t pumped with chemicals.

… anyway, I digress.

The fact of the matter is, things must change.

The way of working (and being), just isn’t working for our health, happiness, spirit, and relationships.

I know we are all capable of great things - regardless of what you currently believe.

You only believe what you do because you’ve been trained and conditioned into that way of being because of what you’ve been told and guided towards consuming.

Program yourself or be programmed.
Brainwash yourself or be brainwashed.

Once we start shifting what we are putting into our minds, as well as the people we are learning from and surrounding ourselves with, things shift.

I know because I did it.

I used to be very much within the illusion that has been created. Working 9-5 and studying to be an accountant because I thought that was the only way I could become a business owner without a product/service to offer.

I was in £32k worth of debt, living paycheck to paycheck, unhealthy in my mind/body/soul, depressed, anxious, suicidal, in toxic relationships, self-medicating with drink/drugs/food… the lot.

… So I get it. I get it. 

Fact is, nothing changes unless WE change.

It’s law.

I started my high-ticket online business back in 2017 through desperation of wanting to shift my financial situation. 

It didn’t matter to me that I was in £32k debt, it mattered to me that I wanted to get out of it… and I calculated if I carried on doing the same thing I’d be in debt for the next 44 years. 

No thanks. 

I soon learned that my external reality was a reflection of my internal reality. And as confronting as that was, it was empowering asf because if I created shit then I can create gold!

And gold I’ve created.

Through the commitment to myself and my vision, I’ve created my dream freedom life. I’ve been living it for nearly 5 years and it continues to expand.

The better it gets, the better it gets.

I share to inspire - because if I can, so can you.

It will take work, and it’ll be hard… yet we also get to make it easy and fun.

Fortunately for you, I have everything you need to succeed… and I make it easy and fun.

As serious as it all is, we don’t have to be so serious all the time - where’s the magic in that?!

Jobs that pay £15 an hour are limiting the people.

Businesses that pay £50-£100 commissions per sale are not worth the energy.

It’s time we shift things and plug into and expand upon a new way of working.

A way of working where we get to make money by leaning into our fullest expression, passions, purpose, and creative ability.

A way of working where we make anywhere between £241-£7,150 per sale, on products that have only penetrated 1% of the Western market, that everyone wants and needs, without any direct requirement to sell because of the ability to use automated selling systems.

A way of working where we ethically leverage systems, technology, and other people’s knowledge/wisdom to get to where we want to faster. 

A way of being where we focus on coming back to ourselves, living in our full authenticity, and leading ourselves through our lives with our heart.

This New Way I am explaining may seem far-fetched to you right now, and that’s valid if you’ve never been exposed to anything like this before.

We only know what we know, until we learn of more.

And if you are thinking and feeling that there is more out there for you… there is. For all of us. 

It’s simply a case of helping eachother.

We are in this together, and I would love to support you.

The Growth Shift Membership has absolutely everything you need to build a successful high-ticket affiliate marketing business with no products, knowledge, or experience required.

All you need is the drive and tenacity to keep moving and grooving through your journey.

IMAGINE having a life that’s happy, healthy, wealthy, and free in EVERY AREA!

I’ve created it, I’m expanding on it, and I’m inviting you to join the ride.

    It’s time, light warrior.

    If we keep going the way we are, the future for our children is dire. Only WE can shift things, and I’d love for you to join the wave.

    Be on the winning side of history. ✨


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